
Supernatural ending
Supernatural ending

supernatural ending

I mean, we had a couple of episodes where it was just a lot from an actor’s standpoint to juggle these two different characters, which we also tried not to make cartoonish. Did that make it more of a challenge to play the characters?ĬOLLINS: It was definitely a challenge. You’re tasked with balancing both personas throughout the season, like you said. He’s unleashing the Two Face character in order to serve what he thinks is the higher good.ĭEADLINE: It is a much more complicated version of Two Face/Harvey Dent. And what we have done in Gotham Knights is actually made it a conscious decision on Harvey’s part. I really loved that we got to delve deeply into his psychology and give Harvey some agency in the decision to unleash Two Face as opposed to it just being how it’s been portrayed in the past typically, is that he just comes to a psychic breaking point and cannot contain his alter ego. The story of Harvey Dent devolving into Two Face is not new, but it’s been told in different ways many times. MISHA COLLINS: This is a story that has been told time and time again, both in the comics and in movies.

supernatural ending

He also discusses the end of The Winchesters, which closes the Supernatural chapter of his career as well.ĭEADLINE: Last time we spoke, you alluded to the idea that Harvey’s evolution into Two Face would involve a choice he had to make, which would give him no other way out.

supernatural ending

Misha Collins spoke with Deadline about his complicated feelings on the end of Gotham Knights and how he’d hope to continue to explore the villain in subsequent seasons. While the finale may feel premature, it does wrap up several of the biggest loose ends of the season. His friends think he’s dead, but really he’s been summoned to see his parents’ former boss. The episode ends with Two Face/Harvey escaping from his captors, and Turner being taken by another mysterious group right before Wayne Tower explodes. In a final fight with Rebecca, she smashes a vial of acid across his face, thus prompting the infamous physical transformation into the Gotham villain we all know. But, he still isn’t exactly on Rebecca’s side. He summons Two Face to keep Duela out of harm’s way. But before they get there, Harvey takes matters into his own hands, caving to Rebecca’s request. In a (somewhat) fortunate turn of events, the police station is overrun by Rebecca’s henchmen, and the Gotham Knights are released from their jail cells to help stave them off.Ī phone call from Duela lets the rest of the Knights in on Rebecca’s plan, and the group jumps into action to save them. In fact, he was defending himself from the couple, who were hired to murder him. While he’s being questioned, Turner (Oscar Hayes) gets quite the shocker: Batman didn’t kill his parents in cold blood. This is the guy who gave me my dad’s letter.” It’s none other than Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester in the photo, standing beside the iconic Impala.'The Bachelorette' Recap: Charity Narrows Down 10 Men After A Drowsy One-On-One & Another Heated Cocktail Party

supernatural ending

The film in the camera was overexposed, which led very little to see, until we get to one photo. The Winchestersseason 1 episode 8 “Hang On To Your Life” ended on a tease of our main characters looking at some badly developed photos. What’s sacred if the basic facts of this world are changed? What does this mean for the Supernatural universe as a whole?Ī little clue at the end of the last episode has left us further questions and theories to bounce around. This is interesting, if not dangerous territory for a fan of the established series. The Winchesters retcon (a narrative device in which previously established continuity is changed) by having John and Mary meet and hunt together. John never knew about the Men of Letters, and therefore didn’t know his father was a member.Neither John nor the boys knew Mary was a hunter until Dean time traveled in Season 4 Episode 3 “In the Beginning.”.John never knew about the supernatural until after Mary died in 1983.But it could only do this setup by ignoring continuity established in Supernatural lore. Is it about John and Mary Winchester? Why yes, yes it is. The entire concept of the show presents a problem though – it’s not a true prequel.

Supernatural ending